Pioneering Railway Communication

Since 2022, SignaRail has been at the forefront of revolutionizing railway information systems, serving over 500 stations and impacting millions of passengers daily.

Our Mission

Transforming Railway Communication

At SignaRail, we're dedicated to revolutionizing how railways communicate with their passengers. Our intelligent information systems combine real-time data, automated announcements, and digital displays to create seamless, reliable passenger experiences across Europe's rail networks.

Stations Equipped
Daily Passengers
Uptime Guaranteed
Expert Support
Modern Railway Station
Our Values

What Drives Us Forward

Our core values shape every decision we make and every solution we deliver.

Reliability First

We understand that millions of passengers rely on our systems daily. That's why we maintain a 99.9% uptime guarantee and provide 24/7 support to ensure uninterrupted service.

Continuous Innovation

Our dedicated R&D team constantly pushes the boundaries of what's possible in railway information systems, incorporating the latest technologies and industry best practices.


Every feature we develop is designed with passengers in mind, ensuring clear, timely, and accessible information delivery across all platforms and languages.

Ready to Transform Your Railway Operations?

Join hundreds of railway operators who trust SignaRail to deliver reliable, innovative passenger information solutions.